Test of Master-Detail List of Lodges

Please click on any row of the table to see the details of the lodge.

This is a TEST environment – the details of the Lodges may not be correct or up-to-date.  Performance may be sluggish.

List of Lodges-Master-Detail-page

Lodge Name No Street City Province Postal Code Location District Rite Contact
Acacia Lodge 11 10433 - 83 Avenue NW Edmonton AB T6E 2C7 Acacia Masonic Hall Lakeland Canadian
Acme-Irricana 137 2 St & 2 Ave Irricana AB YYY YYY Masonic Hall Dinosaur Canadian
Airdrie Wild Rose 2,001 1102 Osler Avenue Crossfield AB Crossfield Masonic Hall Phoenix York secretary.awr2001@gmail.com
Alberta 3 2210 - 3rd Ave Fort MacLeod AB T0L 0Z0 Masonic Hall Chinookarch Canadian
Arkhitekton 205 10318 100 Avenue Edmonton AB T5J 0A2 Freemasons Hall Northern Lights Canadian arkhitektonsecretary@gmail.com
Ashlar 28 330 - 12 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2R 0H2 Freemasons Hall Alpha Canadian ashlar28secretary@shaw.ca
Astra 179 1002 - 10 Street Cold Lake AB T9M 1H8 Astra Lodge Masonic Hall Lakeland York astralodge179@gmail.com
Aurora Borealis 201 10111 Main Street Fort McMurray AB T9H 2G7 Golden Years Society Athabasca York auroraborealislodge201@gmail.com
Avon Glen 170 10318 - 100 Avenue NW Edmonton AB T5J 0A2 Freemason's Hall Beaverhills Canadian secretary@avonglen.ca
Balmoral 185 6 Tache St. St. Albert St. Albert AB Cornerstone Hall Athabasca Canadian balmoral185@gmail.com
Baseline 198 301 Jespersen Avenue Spruce Grove AB Pioneer Center Yellowhead Canadian baseline198.secretary@gmail.com
Bassano 55 220 - 3 Street Bassano AB TOJ 0B0 Bassano Lodge Palliser York bassano55secretary@gmail.com
Beacon 190 4811 - 52 Street Red Deer AB Red Deer Masonic Hall Central Canadian sec@beacon190.ca
Beaver-Apollo 56 5101 - 51 Avenue Castor AB T0C 0X0 Castor Masonic Temple Battle River York beaver.apollo@gmail.com
Bow River 1 330 - 12 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2R 0H2 Freemasons Hall Alpha Canadian
Britannia 18 5115 60 Avenue Ponoka AB Ponoka Masonic Hall Central York
Brooks 73 531 - 3 Avenue W Brooks AB T1R 0B4 Masonic Temple Palliser York brooks73afam@gmail.com
Buffalo Park 44 1502 2 Street Wainwright AB Wainwright Golf Club with Gratton/Connaught #144 Feb, Apr, Jun, Oct, Dec Battle River Canadian
Cable-Tow 0 14511 - 142 Street NW Edmonton AB Al Shamal Shrine Centre Northern Lights Canadian secretarycabletow@gmail.com
Cairo 32 Went dark
Calgary 23 330 - 12 Avenue SW Calgary AB T2R 0H2 Freemasons Hall Calgary-Highwood York calgarylodge23@icloud.com
Camrose 37 5021 - 48 Street Camrose AB Masonic Hall Battle River York
Canada 165 331, 3750 46 Ave Calgary AB T2B 0L1 King George Masonic Phoenix Canadian secretary@canada165.ca
Carstairs 20 1102 Osler Avenue Crossfield AB T0M 0S0 Masonic Hall Phoenix Canadian secretary@carstairs20.ca
Showing 1 to 25 of 122 entries