
The Grand Lodge of Alberta directly supports the Masonic Foundation of Alberta

Masonic Foundation of Alberta
The Masonic Foundation of Alberta is a Charitable Foundation established to assist Alberta’s Freemasons’ with their charitable endeavours and to enhance the profile of Freemasonry in their local communities. In addition the Foundation directly assists youth-serving organizations in their efforts to serve and protect at-risk youth in our communities.

The Foundation has provided assistance to more than 70 Registered Charities and since 2006 has donated more than $500,000 to various worthy causes. This assistance is only possible through the generous donations from Alberta’s Masonic Lodges and individual Freemasons.

Instructions on how to make donations to the Foundation, as well as the process and forms required to request assistance from the Foundation, for Lodge projects, can be found on the Foundations website on the “Donations” and “Request Assistance” pages.

Across our jurisdiction each Masonic body has a charitable organization. The impact of this practice shines a great light on the needs of those less fortunate and brings joy to those imparting.  Our Lodges & Grand Lodge support charitable work of the M.H.E.B. and M.F.A.  Many Lodges extend their charitable reaches to the local community, food banks, children, elderly, disease support and research.  We as Masons join to make a difference and through contributions we “Do the Good Act” with support to a vast amount of “Good Work”.  We are often called upon in our social and professional lives to support many other charities as well, whether by door to door canvassers, telemarketers or calendar purchases. Charity forms part of the masonic legacy our early Brethren brought to Canada.  The lessons of our ritual reminds us that it is a fundamental principle and forms part of the foundation of you as Mason.

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