Ye Olde Craft Lodge #196 (CR) – Remembrance Day Ceremony
Highlands Masonic Hall 5526 - 118 Ave NW, EdmontonTyle 9:00am Regular Meeting –Remembrance Day Ceremony
Tyle 9:00am Regular Meeting –Remembrance Day Ceremony
Registration Opens: 10:00am / Education: 11:00am / Lunch: 12:00pm / District Meeting: 1:00pm Business Attire and Aprons to be worn / All Master Masons are eligible to vote
Roast Beef Dinner with Entertainment, 50/50 draw, Door Prizes $40 Advance Tickets $50 at the Door Crossfield Community Centre 900 Mountain Ave., Crossfield AB etransfers:
In support of Little Warriors Blackjacks Roadhouse, 2110 Sparrow Drive, Nisku (Private Room Upstairs) (Dress Code is Casual – Jeans are Acceptable) More Information to Follow