Whitecourt Lodge #153 (CR) – Lodge of Education – “Royal Arch – What lies beyond the 3rd Degree”
Forest Interpretive Centre 3002 - 33 Street, Whitecourt, AlbertaTyle 8:00pm / FB to follow
Tyle 8:00pm / FB to follow
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow
Regular Meeting – Step-Up Night – Education – Official Visit Northern Lights District DDGM
Regular Meeting – Lodge of Education – “Royal Arch – What lies beyond the 3rd Degree”
This is a test of the RSVP function You must test the entry by Saturday. Please enter your name and email when the window opens. If you have used the generic GLA ID to log in, the name and email will be populated with the default information
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow
Regular Meeting – Step-Up Night
– Official Visit Northern Lights District DDGM
– Education: “My Time in the Navy”
Cocktails 6:00pm / Dinner 6:30pm ($25.00 for members) / Tyle 7:30pm
Please email JW prior to Friday preceding the meeting to confirm your attendance at the Dinner r carlosedmonton@gmail.com
Regular Meeting – Education: “Remembrance Day”
Education - “The Battle of Ortona”
– Roll Call and Remembrance Day Ceremony
– Official Visit Athabasca District DDGM
FB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:30pm
Please join us on a zoom call with the Amity App Developers either Monday November 25th or Tuesday November 26th at 7:00pm MST for an interactive session designed to better inform the lodge administrators on the features and benefits of the Amity App.
Please join us on a zoom call with the Amity App Developers either Monday November 25th or Tuesday November 26th at 7:00pm MST for an interactive session designed to better inform the lodge administrators on the features and benefits of the Amity App. The link below will work for both sessions. All lodge secretaries, Masters, […]
Millenium Lodge No 2000 - Education
FB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:30pm Freemasons Hall, 10318-100 Avenue, Edmonton Regular Meeting – Masonic Education