North Star #2 – Education

Highlands Masonic Hall 5526 - 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB

Education: The Banners of the Tribes of Izrael The meaning and how they related to Royal Arch Masonry

Redwood Lodge #193 – Education Meeting

Al Shamal Shrine Centre 14521 - 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Cocktails 6:00pm / Dinner 6:30pm ($20.00) Tyle 7:30pm RSVP Festive Board attendance with JW Bro Gage Whitnack at

Arkhitekton Lodge #205 – Fellowship Event: Mop & Pail

Transit Smokehouse and BBQ 12720 Fort Road, Edmonton, AB

Fellowship Event: Mop & Pail, Location TBA Regular Meeting – Education: Historical Significance of The Mop & Pail meetings NOTE: This meeting is NOT being held at Freemason's Hall

Baseline Lodge #198 – Education

Pioneer Centre Jesperson Ave and Main, Spruce Grove, Alberta

Baseline Lodge #198 (CR) – Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow Pioneer Centre, Jespersen Avenue & Main, Spruce Grove Regular Meeting – Education by Bro Jarrett Gravelle

Dominion Lodge #117 – Officers Training

Acacia Masonic Hall 10433 - 83 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Officers Training - Officer duties, various floor work and other cool stuff

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