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Week of Events
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Evergreen Lodge #166 (CR) – Official Visit Northern Lights District DDGM – Step-Up Night
Evergreen Lodge #166 (CR) – Official Visit Northern Lights District DDGM – Step-Up Night
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow
Regular Meeting – Step-Up Night
– Official Visit Northern Lights District DDGM
– Education: “My Time in the Navy”
Edmonton Lodge #7 (AYR) – Education: “Remembrance Day”
Edmonton Lodge #7 (AYR) – Education: “Remembrance Day”
Cocktails 6:00pm / Dinner 6:30pm ($25.00 for members) / Tyle 7:30pm
Please email JW prior to Friday preceding the meeting to confirm your attendance at the Dinner r carlosedmonton@gmail.com
Regular Meeting – Education: “Remembrance Day”