Avon Glen Lodge #170 (CR) – Education
Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, ABFB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:40pm Presentation by Job’s Daughters Bethel #18 at 7:15pm Emergent Meeting – 1st Degree (1)
FB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:40pm Presentation by Job’s Daughters Bethel #18 at 7:15pm Emergent Meeting – 1st Degree (1)
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow Emergent Meeting – 3rd Degree
Degree 7:30pm / Meal to follow Regular Convocation
A Multi-Lodge Master Mason Degree Conferred under the Stars FB 5:30 pm Tyle: at darkness (Visible between 7:30 pm and 8:00pm) Dress Appropriately for Outdoor Weather: Dress is Informal Location at Ostara Farm, Camrose County
DDGM RW Bro Gavin Scrimgeour Registration 10:00 am Festive Board 11:30 am Meeting 1:00 pm
Doors 6:30pm / Tasting 7:00pm Freemasons Hall, 10318-100 Avenue, Edmonton
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow Emergent Meeting – 2nd Degree (1)
FB 6:30pm ($25.00) / Tyle 7:30pm Emergent Meeting – 1st Degree (4)
FB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:30pm Emergent Meeting
FB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:45pm Acacia Masonic Hall, 10433-83 Avenue, Edmonton Emergent Meeting
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow
FB 6:30pm / Meeting 7:30pm Official Visit Northern Lights District DDGM RW Bro Alex Thomson