Camrose Lodge No 37 – 50 Year Pin
Camrose Lodge No 37 - 50 Year Pin - Ken Mingo
Star of the West Lodge #34 (CR) – 1st Degree (1)
Leduc Masonic Hall 4706-46 Avenue, Leduc, ABFB 6:30pm ($20) / Tyle 7:30pm
RSVP Festive Board attendance with JW at
Palestine Lodge #46 – Regular Meeting
Tofield United Chuch 4832 53 Ave, Tofield, ABSt George #169 – 60 Year Bar
Elk's Hall - Elk Point 4906 - 51 Ave, Elk Point, ABPresentation of 60 Year Bar
Western Canada Conference
Redwood Lodge #193 (CR) & Balmoral Lodge #185 (CR) – Joint 1st Degree
Al Shamal Shrine Centre 14521 - 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, CanadaCocktails 6:00pm / Dinner 6:30pm ($20.00) Tyle 7:30pm
RSVP Festive Board attendance with JW at
Ivanhoe Lodge #142 (CR) – 2nd Degree (2)
Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, ABTyle 7:30pm / FB to follow Emergent Meeting – 2nd Degree (2)
Wetaskiwin Lodge #15 (AYR) – Official Visit Beaver Hills District DDGM
Wetaskiwin Masonic Lodge 3920 - 53A Street, Wetaskiwin, AB, CanadaOfficial Visit Beaver Hills District DDGM
Exemplar Lodge #175 (CR) – Step-Up Night
Acacia Masonic Hall 10433 - 83 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaFB 6:30pm ($15.00) / Tyle 7:30pm Emergent Meeting – Step-Up Night
Commercial Lodge #81 (CR) – Annual Duck Dinner
Doors Open 6:00pm (Tickets $60.00 per person) RSVP to
Alpha District Meeting
Freemasons Hall - Calgary 330 - 12 Ave SW, Calgary, ABRegistration  8:30 am Festive Board  noon Meeting  9:00 am
Baseline Lodge #198 (CR) – Installation of Worshipful Master & Investiture of Officers
Pioneer Centre Jesperson Ave and Main, Spruce Grove, AlbertaTyle 9:00am / FB to follow Installation Worshipful Master Elect Bro Jarett Gravelle Pioneer Centre, Jespersen Avenue & Main, Spruce Grove
Calgary-Highwood District Meeting
Freemasons Hall - Calgary 330 - 12 Ave SW, Calgary, ABRegistration  9:00 am Festive Board  12:20 pm Meeting  10:00 am