Commercial Lodge #81 – 3rd Degree

Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, AB

Commercial Lodge #81 (CR) – Tyle 1:00pm / FB to follow

Commercial Lodge No 81 – Annual Duck Dinner

Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, AB

Whisky tasting with RW. Bro Ken Rosal and a presentation by V.W. Bro Garry Perkins, GLCPO on "Flying a Prime Minister's Campaign Airplane"


Commercial Lodge No 81 – 2nd Degree

Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, AB

Join Commercial 81 as they put on an FC degree in their last meeting before installation.
Tyle at 1pm at Freemasons Hall.
Be sure to stay for festive board following the meeting for a meal of mac and cheese.

Commercial Lodge No 81 – Masonic Mozart Concert

Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, AB

Commercial Lodge no 81 is offering an evening of sumptuous music by W.A. Mozart featuring Alberta’s finest opera singers and a presentation by RWBro. Steven Caldwell. The concert will be opened to the public at large. The performers will be: Helen Hassinger, Soprano Nansee Hughes, Soprano Oliver Munar, Tenor Brother Bertrand Malo, Baritone Brother Emilio […]

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