Strathcona Lodge #77 (AYR) – 1st Degree (1) Past Masters Night
Acacia Masonic Hall 10433 - 83 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaTyle 7:30pm / FB to follow
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow ($15.00)
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow Emergent Meeting Step-Up Night FC Degree (1)
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow ($15.00)
Regular Meeting – Annual Service of Remembrance
– Official Visit Athabasca District DDGM
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow Emergent Meeting – MM Degree 1 From Strathcona Lodge #77 2 From Temple-Centennial Lodge #167
Tyle 7:00pm / Installation 7:30pm / Banquet to follow