Al Shamal Shriners – Cultural Night

Al Shamal Shrine Centre 14521 - 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Al Shamal Shriners – invite you to join them for an Evening of Cultural Performances, Food & Drinks Dinner Tickets: Adult $50.00 each / Children $10.00 each Ticket sales and information; 780-482-6065 ext 1 or  


Saskatchewan Lodge #92 – 2nd Degree

Al Shamal Shrine Centre 14521 - 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Saskatchewan Lodge #92 (CR) – FB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:30pm Emergent Meeting – 2nd Degree (1)

Redwood Lodge #193 – 2nd Degree

Al Shamal Shrine Centre 14521 - 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Emergent Meeting – 2nd Degree (3) Cocktails 6:00pm / Dinner 6:30pm ($20.00) Tyle 7:30pm RSVP Festive Board attendance with JW Bro Gage Whitnack at


Redwood Lodge #193 – 2nd Degree

Al Shamal Shrine Centre 14521 - 142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Cocktails 6:00pm / Dinner 6:30pm ($20.00) Tyle 7:30pm RSVP Festive Board attendance with JW Bro Gage Whitnack at Al Shamal Shriners’ Centre, 14511-142 Street, Edmonton Emergent Meeting – 2nd Degree (3)

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