Star of the West Lodge #34 (CR) – 1st Degree (3)

Leduc Masonic Hall 4706-46 Avenue, Leduc, AB

FB 6:30pm ($20) / Tyle 7:30pm RSVP Festive Board attendance with JW RW Bro George Wert at Emergent Meeting – 1st Degree (3)

Avon Glen Lodge #170 (CR) – Education

Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, AB

FB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:40pm Presentation by Job’s Daughters Bethel #18 at 7:15pm Emergent Meeting – 1st Degree (1)

Acacia Lodge #11 (CR) – Octoberfest

Acacia Masonic Hall 10433 - 83 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

FB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:45pm Acacia Masonic Hall, 10433-83 Avenue, Edmonton Emergent Meeting

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