Wetaskiwin Lodge #15 (AYR) – Step-Up Night
Wetaskiwin Masonic Lodge 3920 - 53A Street, Wetaskiwin, AB, CanadaTyle 7:30pm / FB to follow
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow
Degree 7:30pm / Meal to follow Highlands Masonic Hall, 5526-118 Avenue, Edmonton Regular Convocation
Tyle 7:30pm / FB to follow
4th annual Ukrainian Christmas Supper
Please RSVP to this email: whitecourtlodge153@gmail.com by Thursday December 26, 2024
Brothers from out of town, hotel rooms are available at the Days Inn located at 3325 Caxton St (phone: (780) 762-9104) under the "Whitecourt Masonic Lodge Group Rate" for $79.99 + taxes which includes breakfast for the night of January 2nd (Group rate expires December 24th, 2024)
Installation of the officers of Medicine Hat no. 2, Bassano no. 55, and Brooks no. 73. Location is Bassano Masonic Lodge. Festive board at 6:30.
FB 6:15pm (Burns style supper) / Tyle 7:30pm
Education - “Practical Men's Mental Health and Instruction for AEDs and Narcan Kit”