Ivanhoe Lodge #142 (CR) – Installation of Worshipful Master & Investiture of Officers
Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, ABTyle 6:30pm / Installation 7:30pm / Banquet to follow ($25.00)
Tyle 6:30pm / Installation 7:30pm / Banquet to follow ($25.00)
Tyle 1:00pm Freemasons Hall, 10318-100 Avenue, Edmonton
Installation of the officers of Medicine Hat no. 2, Bassano no. 55, and Brooks no. 73. Location is Bassano Masonic Lodge. Festive board at 6:30.
Registration  1:00 pm Festive Board  2:00 pm Meeting  3:00 pm
Presentation of 70 Year bar to Bruce Flesher