Ritual Summit (Red Deer)
Ritual Summit (Alberta Masonic Rituals review/workshop) will be a one-day event open to all Master Masons, the purpose of which is to review our existing rituals and standardize them in a way (uniformity). It will be at the Red Deer Masonic Hall.
Grand Lodge of Manitoba Annual Communication & Grand Installation
Grand Lodge of Manitoba - 150th Year Gala
Grand Lodge of Alberta – Annual Communications
Annual Communication 2025
This years event is again to be hosted by RW Bro. Dale Dolphin and his lovely wife Bea on their farm near Standard AB. Bassano no. 55 is looking for another lodge to participate in performing a degree. If you believe that your lodge has a candidate and would like to participate in this years […]
Highlands-Unity Lodge #168 (CR) – Installation and Investiture of Officers
More Information to follow at a later time Draw to take place on this night for you to win a “Custom Tailored Tuxedo or Suit”
Balmoral Lodge #185 (CR) – Installation of Worshipful Master & Investiture of Officers
Tyle 2:00pm / Banquet to follow More Information and Details to be announced at a later date