Baseline Lodge #198 (CR) – 2nd Degree by Past Master’s Degree Team
Pioneer Centre Jesperson Ave and Main, Spruce Grove, AlbertaTyle 7:30pm / FB to follow Pioneer Centre, Jespersen Avenue & Main, Spruce Grove Regular Meeting
Redwood Lodge #193 (CR) – Education – Discussion of the Bagpipes with a Display
Acacia Masonic Hall 10433 - 83 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaCocktails 6:00pm / Dinner 6:30pm ($20.00) Tyle 7:30pm RSVP Festive Board attendance with JW at Please Note Redwood Lodge has permanently relocated to Acacia Masonic Hall Regular Meeting
Avon Glen Lodge #170 (CR) – Master Mason Prove-Up
Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, ABFB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:30pm Regular Meeting
Exemplar #175 – Business Meeting and Education
Acacia Masonic Hall 10433 - 83 Ave NW, Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaTemple-Centennial Lodge #167 (AYR) – 2nd Degree (2)
Highlands Masonic Hall 5526 - 118 Ave NW, Edmonton, ABFB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:30pm Highlands Masonic Hall, 5526-118 Avenue, Edmonton Regular Meeting
Ivanhoe Lodge #142 – Speakers Tour – Banking and Beyond
Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, ABAdditional Guest Speaker: MW Will Leano, Grand Master Speakers Tour – Banking and Beyond Ladies and non-masons are Invited
Whitecourt Lodge #153 (CR) – Education – “Open to New Light”
Forest Interpretive Centre 3002 - 33 Street, Whitecourt, AlbertaTyle 8:00pm / FB to follow
Regular Meeting – Education - “Open to New Light”
Ye Olde Craft Lodge #196 (CR) – Installation & Investiture of Officers
Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, ABTyle 9:00am / Installation 10:00am Festive Board to follow
PLEASE NOTE LOCATION: Freemasons Hall, 10318-100 Avenue, Edmonton
DDGM-elects Training
ZoomSilver Wings Al Shamal Shriners – Best Country Bar Alberta Edition
Blackjacks Roadhouse 2110 Sparrow Drive, Nisku, ABDoors 6:00pm / Show 8:00pm Tickets $25.00 per person Blackjacks Roadhouse, 2110 Sparrow Dr, Nisku
Edmonton Lodge #7 (AYR) – Education – “The Heros Path Back to Centre”
Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, ABCocktails 6:00pm / Dinner 6:30pm ($25.00 for members) / Tyle 7:30pm
Please call / email JW prior to Friday preceding the meeting to confirm your attendance at the Dinner jw.edmonnton7@gmail .com
Regular Meeting – Education by W Bro Johnathon Chedore - “The Heros Path Back to Centre”
Patricia Lodge #91 (CR) – Annual Blarney Night
Freemasons Hall - Edmonton 10318 - 100 Ave, Edmonton, ABShort Tyled meeting at 7:30 / Fun time starting at 8:00pm
“Joke Telling and more”
Meridian Lodge #129 (CR) – Education: “Masonic Etiquette”
Meridian Masonic Hall 4914 - 50 Avenue, Stony Plain, AlbertaFB 6:30pm / Tyle 7:30pm Regular Meeting