Grand Lodge Officers

Elected Officers

Grand Master
MW Bro. Chris Uchman

Deputy Grand Master
RW Bro. Kyle Scott

Senior Grand Warden
RW Bro. Will Leano

Junior Grand Warden
RW Bro. Chuck Rose

Grand Treasurer
MW Bro. John Hart

Grand Secretary
RW Bro. Bill Kostenuk

District Deputy Grand Masters

Alpha District

RW Bro Kurtis Fredrick

Alpha District

(Founded as District 1 on October 12, 1905)
DDGM Schedule

Palliser District

RW Bro Brian Martin

Palliser District

(Founded as District 2 on October 12, 1906)
DDGM Schedule

Yellowhead District

RW Bro Jeff Shewchuk

Yellowhead District

(Founded as District 3 on October 12, 1905)
DDGM Schedule

Central District

RW Bro Richard Silvestre

Central District

(Founded as District 4 on May 27 1908)
DDGM Schedule

Battle River District

RW Bro Chris Christensen

Battle River District

(Founded as District 4 on May 27, 1929)
DDGM Schedule

Calgary-Highwood District

RW Bro Hans Maas

Calgary-Highwood District

(Founded as District 6 on May 27, 1908)
DDGM Schedule

Chinookarch District

RW Bro Bob Marsh

Chinookarch District

(Founded as District 7 on May 31, 1911 and incorporating District 11, founded on May 27, 1914. Three Rivers District dissolved June 2007, founded as District8 on May 31, 1911.)
DDGM Schedule

Lakeland District

RW Bro Sig Guggenmoos

Lakeland District

(Founded as District 10 on May 29, 1912 and incorporating part of District 17, founded on June 12, 1929)
DDGM Schedule

Northern Lights District

RW Bro Don Mah

Northern Lights District

(Founded as District 12 on May 30, 1917)
DDGM Schedule

Mighty Peace District

RW Bro Gord Hughes

Mighty Peace District

(Founded as District 13 on May 27, 1918)
DDGM Schedule

Dinosaur District

RW Bro Mike Yavis

Dinosaur District

(Founded as District 14 on June 1919 and incororating District 15, founded on June 8, 1021 and most of District 16, founded on June 12, 1929)
DDGM Schedule

Pheonix District

RW Bro Irwin Vines

Phoenix District

(Founded as District 18 on June 9, 1948)
DDGM Schedule

Athabasca District

RW Bro Bill Brook

Athabasca District

(Founded as District 19 on June 11, 1953)
DDGM Schedule

Beaverhills District

RW Bro Neil Cameron

Beaverhills District

(Founded as District 20 on June 10, 1959)
DDGM Schedule
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