Grand Master's Address - 2020
On Fraternity and Leadership

As is customary, I greet you all as a Brother and thank you for your support and guidance that has allowed me to reach this station in life. As one without Masonic family roots and never having aspirations to high office, as such this journey to become Grand Master was a great surprise. My Masonic journey as a Grand Lodge Officer began with a common theme, the desire to give back to this fraternity of ours for those great gifts that it has provided – lifelong fraternal friendships, core leadership skills and above all the self-confidence to challenge myself to be the best I can be. So to those that inspired this journey and offered encouragement through the various stages I offer my many thanks as it could not have been accomplished without your guidance.

This composition has been written and rewritten many times, the first draft was started in May when nothing was really certain and the current iteration being completed in July. You can all be assured that the effects of Covid-19 will play and have played a significant part of what we can accomplish this year – just getting the Grand Lodge Officers invested has been an interesting and unique experience. Regarding the ability to reopen our lodges and begin working again, I must reiterate that care must be taken at all time to see that precautions are in place that protect all members while Covid-19 is active within our communities. Having a plan and following that plan will be key, if there are doubts that a meeting can be safely conducted, prudence says to postpone or cancel and be safe.

We all begin the journey into the Craft somewhat naïve and with dreams about its mysteries. Some who have familial connections or through experiences shared from acquaintances were aware of some of the traditions – traditions only realized after our own initiation and reflection on that event. We each share in a common journey but some take on the challenge and seek to capture all that is possible from the lectures, the degrees or from serving in the offices of the lodge; and then there are those that travel along never seeking office or greater participation but enjoying the essence of the fraternal experience. My first experiences with leadership began with my involvement in the Air Cadet movement, like all cadet organizations it is based on military traditions its structure with uniforms, rank and training procedures. We were challenged to bond, make friends, and develop leadership skills; each individual undertook a different journey. The rewards for success and participation were varied but inevitably the steps taken were life changing. As I had a passion for flying I became involved in the flight training programs and won a coveted scholarship to glider school. I used that opportunity and the skills gained to help found a program in my high school to teach a course in aviation ground school. Not expecting anything from this work, I was recognized for my efforts with a leadership award for innovation. In the years to follow I was trained to fly hot air balloons, became involved with regulatory matters which led to becoming a member of our provincial advisory board which ultimately concluded with two terms as president. I later began a career as an educator and tied that to my previous training in construction engineering to become a program manager at NAIT under the Business Development Office. All of these leadership experiences combined helped me in my masonic path to Grand Master.

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While the history of Freemasonry is shrouded in mystery and goes back beyond the official date of 1717, the modern era is well documented and its mysteries far less concealed from those that wish to unlock the secrets. Above all the esoteric offerings that can be derived from our Craft, the constant is that of fraternity and through that fraternal offering, we see and develop insights to leadership and education. We recognize most Masons take seriously the oath to keeps all matters Masonic private… the mysteries of the Order are rarely conveyed to anyone without reflection. They answers are there if you ask the right question and are asking the right person. Will the knowledge we seek be found with one simple question, no. This is a journey that will takes years and requires patience to unravel. To this end we all develop small libraries that help us fill in our thirst for knowledge. In one such book which I reference often, The Master’s Lectures – published by Evans Lodge No. 524 of Evanston Illinois, there is a paragraph in the preface that clearly states this thought: “It seems taken for granted that reception into Freemasonry will automatically be accompanied by an ability to appreciate forthwith, and at its full value, all that one there finds. The contrary is the case, for Freemasonry is a veiled and cryptic expression of the difficult science of spiritual life, and understanding all of it calls for special and informed guidance on the one hand, and on the other a genuine and earnest desire for knowledge, and a considerable capacity for spiritual perception on the part of those seeking instruction.” We do though convey our basic history through our Constitution and Regulations along with the common rituals of the Canadian and Ancient York Rites. These are issued to every member and convey the foundation, teachings and history of our Fraternity both here in Alberta but more significantly about the world. If we read these texts, study them and live by their teachings we have a foundation for leadership and growth that is in essence timeless.

If there was one thing that took me to this office as Grand Master, it was the desire to protect our Constitution and its ancient landmarks. While Constitutions and By-laws are living documents, we must be careful to protect the core values, allowing for change that is guided by careful exercise of leadership. While we are individually unique and are a product of our own environments, the depth of our leadership skill and the quality of that leadership come from lessons learned in life. Through education and more importantly through the trials of life we develop a style that will mark our commitment to being a leader – most of the time we will be successful and on occasion we will be humbled by our efforts which might not have been as successful as we had wished. If there is a guide for emulation, let it be the opening charge from the Ancient York Rite Ritual as it says it all. Working as part of a cohesive team, my hope and desire is to leverage the best from the team that is elected and manages the affairs of this Grand Lodge.

Brethren I have three key objectives that I would hope to see followed in my year as Grand Master, these objectives follow in the paths of those that have come before me. Building on these themes with the hopes of strengthening our commitment to Freemasonry and building a better future for all of us; they are: Peace, Harmony and Prosperity.

Peace. By understanding the concept of peace we set a standard and benchmark to which we can operate our lodges. By embracing a place for deliberation and business that is devoid of hostility and antagonistic behaviour and becomes a sanctuary for reflection and learning. It is to this unique space and environment that we hope to attract likeminded individuals.

Harmony. With harmony of thought and deliberation we grow as individuals and build the unique bonds that mark our fraternity. We grow as a team and prosper within the lodge, we carry this strength to our Districts and to Grand Lodge. In like mind we carry this message and transfer it to our daily lives and into the community at large.

Prosperity. Prosperity is the culmination of the work achieved through achieving peace and harmony while at labour and it takes many forms. To be prosperous as a lodge means that we have financial health, strength of membership and a wealth of leadership and knowledge. As an individual we hope this translates to financial wealth and a stable career, a strong tight knit family with a prosperous future. As a Grand Lodge we look to having stable membership with lodges that are growing and prosper through united efforts; Districts that develop and share programs, education with insights to success. It is through prosperity at all levels that we see an extension into our communities.

Brethren, to be successful we must embrace the teachings of Freemasonry and live the dream. We cannot just come to lodge once a month and say we are Masons as it just isn’t enough. We must demonstrate through true commitment and personal leadership that the teachings have meaning and are fit and proper for our 21st century lives. While we are challenged as never before by and through the use of technology to do more, learn more and explore more. Our Lodges offer a somewhat unique place to meet, reflect, and gather our thoughts to bond as friends through fraternal connection. We are stronger together and collectively have a brighter future through linking peace and harmony with that goal of prosperity by way of our Masonic Fraternity. Pursue peace and harmony to achieve that goal of a prosperous future.

MWBro Reg Karbonik Grand Master GRA Biography 2020-2021

Bro. Karbonik was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta.

Bro. Karbonik has always had a passion for flying, he joined 395 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, achieved the rank of Warrant Officer 2nd Class and received his Wings as a glider pilot in 1976. In 1977 he added Balloon Pilot to his resume and became an active member of the Alberta Free Balloonist Society. He held many offices including that of President for a three year period. He retired from flying in 2007 after 31 years and having logged over 3000 hours in the air.

He graduated with a Diploma in Construction Engineering in 1981 from NAIT and later graduated with a Bachelor of Education Degree in 1989 from the University of Alberta.

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He worked as an Educator from 1989–2007 with Edmonton Public Schools, the Alberta School of Drafting and NAIT. In addition to teaching role at NAIT he was the Coordinator for CADD and GIS Programs within the Business Development Unit.

He joined Stantec Consulting in 2007 as a Structural Designer with the Oil & Gas Group and unofficially retired from Stantec as they began to downsize in the summer of 2014. As something to do and “occupy” his time he accepted a position at an Edmonton GM dealership in customer relations as a transportation specialist. He continues to work part-time for Stony Engineering on an as needed basis.

Bro. Karbonik was initiated into Redwood Lodge No. 193 in October 1994 and served as Worshipful Master in 2007–08. In 2009 he affiliated with Temple-Centennial Lodge No. 167 and assumed the role of Secretary-Treasurer for the Lodge. Having completed a two year tenure as Secretary-Treasurer he later filled in as Sr. Warden and now serves as Historian and assumes duties as required.

In 2013 Bro. Karbonik was elected as DDGM for the Yellowhead Masonic District and served that office for the 2014–15 Masonic Term under MW Bro. John Slade; Bro. Karbonik has continued to be active as an advisor and mentor within the Yellowhead District. In 2016 Bro. Karbonik was asked to serve as Secretary for Redwood Lodge and concluded his term of office at the end of September 2017.

At the June 2017 Alberta Grand Communication Bro. Karbonik was elected as Junior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Alberta and in June of 2018 RW Bro. Karbonik was elected Senior Grand Warden. In October of 2019 Bro. Karbonik completed his 25th year as a Mason.

On June 13, 2020 Bro. Karbonik was installed as the 116th Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Alberta at the Annual Communication held in Edmonton.

Grand Lodge Officers

As a result of the Covid-19 virus, the standard group photo is not available.  A group installation of Officers has been replaced by selected installations of officers in their home district.  A carousel of those photographs has been included.

Elected Officers

Grand Master 
MW Bro. Reg Karbonik

Deputy Grand Master
RW Bro. Terry Murray

Senior Grand Warden
RW Bro.Chris Uchman

Junior Grand Warden
RW Bro. Kyle Scott

Grand Treasurer
MW Bro. John Hart

Grand Secretary
RW Bro. Bill Kostenuk

District Deputy Grand Masters

RW Bro. John Himmelman

RW Bro. Robert Todd

Battle River
RW Bro. Allen Lee Oberg

Beaver Hills
RW Bro.Tim Harland

RW Bro. JD Moor

RW Bro. Stephen Cooper

RW Bro. Mason Dodds

RW Bro. Paul Caples

RW Bro. Bill Grattan

Mighty Peace
RW Bro. Craig Feruson

Northern Lights
RW Bro. Terry Lukian

RW Bro.Dale Dolphin

RW Bro. Douglas Blaine

RW Bro. Roland Mansell

Appointed Officers

Grand Chaplain
VW Bro. Lorne Ruskowsky

Grand Director of Ceremonies
VW Bro. Wilfred Leano

Senior Grand Deacon
VW Bro. Kelly Morris

Junior Grand Deacon
VW Bro. Kenneth Williams

Grand Historian
VW Bro. John Brodeur

Grand Organist
VW Bro. Graham Guest 

Grand Piper North
W Bro. Tim Whiting

Grand Piper South
Bro. EsamWshah 

Grand Pursuivant
VW Bro. Rejean (Reg) Bernier 

Grand Registrar
RW Bro. Peter Devlin

Grand Steward
VW Bro. Gerry Skeet

Grand Steward
VW Bro. William Brook

Grand Standard Bearer
Bro.  Glenn Ulveland

Grand Tyler (elected)
Bro. Roy Jupe

Grand Parliamentarian
RW Bro. Richard Ashby

Grand Librarian
RW Bro. Kim Parkyn 


The Board shall have the direction of everything relating to the furniture and regalia of Grand Lodge.

The Board shall from time to time review Masonic Districts  of these Regulations and recommend for the confirmation of Grand Lodge any increase or decrease in the number of Masonic Districts or any change in the Lodges comprising any District. Such changes shall be published in the Annual Proceedings.

The Board shall cause the necessary preparations to be made for the Communication of Grand Lodge, as well as for days of festivals, public ceremonies and other meetings.

Recommendations, petitions or representations of any kind, to be received by the Board, must be in writing and signed by the person or persons addressing the Board.

All communications from the Board to the Grand Master, to Grand Lodge or to other Boards or Committees, or any Lodge or Brother, shall be in writing through the office of the Grand Lodge.

The Board shall proceed to the consideration of any special matter which may be referred to it by the Grand Master or Grand Lodge, in preference to other business.

The Finance Committee shall meet quarterly and at such other time or times as the Chairman thereof may require or decide, for the transaction and dispatch of the business of Grand Lodge.

The Committee shall, either through a Budget Committee chaired by the Vice-Chairman of the Finance Committee and including the Deputy Grand Master, the Senior Grand Warden, the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Secretary and two other membersof the Finance Committee, or working as a whole, prepare an annual budget projection for the year commencing January 1st following its presentation to Grand Lodge.

This Budget projection shall include revenue and expense figures covering the operations of the Grand Lodge and the expenses of its Officers. It shall also include figures produced by the Grand Secretary estimating the total cost of staffing the Grand Lodge office.

The Budget projection shall be presented to the Board of General Purposes at or prior to its February meeting for consideration and confirmation where applicable prior to being forwarded to the Constituent Lodges. That section of the budget projection covering the total cost of staffing the Grand Lodge office shall be determined by the Board and may not be specifically changed by the Annual Communication.

The Committee shall have the power to act for the Board of General Purposes, if necessary, between meetings of the Board and shall report its actions for ratification at the next meeting of the Board of General Purposes. Where such an action is not ratified by the Board that action shall be effective from the date it is made until it ceases to be effective due to non-ratification.

The Committee shall have the authority to hear complaintsarising from the decisions and actions of the Board of Benevolence or the Masonic Higher Education Bursary Committee and make recommendations to the Board of General Purposes on such complaints.

The Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of annual performance reviews of the administrative Officers of Grand Lodge.

The Committee shall receive written requests from Grand Lodge, Grand Lodge Officers, Boards, Committees and Constituent Lodges to interpret and/or explain specific Sections or areas of the Constitution and/or the Regulations, or the lack thereof, and/or customs, usages and traditions relating to Masonic Law, and subsequently shall issue interpretations of the same. Such interpretations shall be subject to the approval of Grand Lodge and shall be maintained in a listing in the Grand Lodge office and available to the Craft. 

Interpretations of the Jurisprudence Committee approved by Grand Lodge shall remain in force and effect until incorporated in or deleted from subsequent Constitutions and Regulations or until defeated or changed by a vote of Grand Lodge after due Notice of Motion for such action.

The Committee shall consider the regularity of proposed amendments to the Constitution and Regulations.

The Committee may make periodic reviews of the Constitution and/or the Regulations and may present revisions or amendments thereto in accordance with the Constitution and these Regulations.

The Committee shall carefully examine all reports, returns, proceedings, correspondence etc., referred to it.

The Committee shall consider all matters respecting the Craft at home, the doings and reports of the Officers of Grand Lodge and the Subordinate Lodges.

The Committee shall report its findings annually to the Grand Lodge.

The purpose of the committee shall be the implementation of the recommendations for action identified in the previous year’s Report on the Condition of Masonry;

It is anticipated that the recommendations for action will be in, but not restricted to, the following areas:

  1. Education of the Craft;
  2. Education of the public;
  3. Charters and New Lodges;
    • shall investigate all cases of forfeited Charters.
    • shall examine the minute book and other records of Lodges Under Dispensationand make recommendations regarding the granting of Charters.
    • shall report annually to the Grand Lodge as regards amalgamations of Lodges or Districts and as to Charters forfeited or recommended for issue.

The duties and responsibilities of the committee shall be to:

  1. Develop an annual communications plan and/or editorial calendar for the GLA.
  2. Gather information from the membership to identify story ideas and themes of interest.
  3. Write and edit stories for various FLA communications vehicles, when required.
  4. Develop, modify, maintain and approve all GLA forms in applications software supporting hardcopy and electronic media.
  5. Ensure the GLA website is appropriately updated and GLA social media sites provided with suitable content
  6. Solicit from other GLA Committees ideas or information which can be used in GLA communications
  7. Attend quarterly meetings (in person or electronically) where ideas will be discussed and deliverables will be assigned
  8. It is the responsibility of the Chairman to draw to the attention of the Grand Master and the Board of General Purposes, through the office of the Grand Secretary, any
    unapproved websites, social media sites, literature and forms which are being generated and circulated.
  9. Produce a monthly Alberta Freemason publication in each month of the year except July and August
    1. The Alberta Freemason shall include materials submitted by the Brethren plus materials from the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master and his Officers.
    2. The materials shall be of general interest to the Craft and shall include special events occurring in this Jurisdiction. There shall be no paid advertising in the Alberta Freemason.
    3. The Editor shall exercise writing skills and his overall knowledge of Freemasonry as a whole and in this Grand Jurisdiction in particular, plus knowledge of outside sources of publishable material to edit any and all material to be published.
    4. All members of Lodges, based on the June Semi-Annual Returns, shall be provided with a copy of each month’s Alberta Freemason with the cost
      incorporated in the Per Capita Fee.
  10. The Communications Committee shall report annually at the May meeting of the Board of General Purposes.

The Committee may seek outside professional help in the design of a communications
plan or the technical development communications media.


The Board shall have the final decision in the determination of grants from the Relief Savings Account of Grand Lodge.

All petitions for assistance must be made on formsapproved by the Board through a Constituent Lodge and be signed by the Worshipful Master or presiding Officer and the Secretary and have the Lodge seal affixed. Exceptions may be made to this rule on the unanimous consent of members at a Regular meeting of the Board.

For all petitions for Assistance, that shall exceed a twelve (12) month duration, the Lodge must prepare a new Petition for Assistance, prior to the anniversary date, on the forms approved and as defined in II.1.G.3.g. The Board of Benevolence, with the unanimous consent of the members present, may elect to continue or reject the application to the Petitioner

A fund shall be established by the Grand Lodge to finance a bursary program, to be known as The Masonic Higher Education Bursary Fund. The Masonic Higher Education Bursary Fund shall consist of the following:

  • contributions from the general membership, the Constituent Lodges, Concordant Bodies, and the general public;
  • bequests from the general membership and the general public;
  • such additional funds as may be voted by the Board of General Purposes, or Grand Lodge, from the General Fundand/or the Relief Fund, as may be required, to supplement the voluntary contributions received.                                     

In addition to The Masonic Higher Education Bursary Fund, the Committee shall be entitled to establish such other bursary funds in conjunction with other groups, organizations or individuals, on terms and conditions that are not inconsistent or do not conflict with these Regulations, the policies and guidelines established by the Committee from time to time, the Income Tax Act (Canada), the Department of Revenue regulations, and the overall objectives and purposes for which this Fund was established.

The Committee shall be responsible to Grand Lodge for the control and supervision of all ritual and ceremonial practices duly authorized by Grand Lodge. It shall not make any change in any authorized Work or practice without the sanction of Grand Lodge.

The Committee shall have power to interpret and rule upon the Work authorized by Grand Lodge, on the means, appliances, technicalities and observances necessary and incidental to the exemplification of any rite or ceremony sanctioned by Grand Lodge, and in general upon all matters of Masonic ceremonial or etiquette in this Jurisdiction.

The Committee shall, with the assistance of the Grand Representatives, examine all of the printed or written proceedings and documents emanating from other Grand Lodges in correspondence with Grand Lodge and report to the Board of General Purposes at its May meeting and at each Annual Communication whatever the committee may deem of sufficient importance and interest to the Craft. 

The Committee shall make recommendations to Grand Lodge concerning the extension of recognitionof other Grand Lodges by this Grand Lodge.

The Committee shall report annually to Grand Lodge as to the registration or non-registration of Constituent Lodges at the Annual Communication, the attendance, and details of the voting strength of those in attendance after the examination and assessment of the credentials of all delegates.

The Committee shall control and issue all ballots and report the results of the same. 

The Committee shall assist the Grand Secretary, if necessary, with the preparations for Grand Lodge and other public ceremonies.

The Committee shall ensure, with the Grand Secretary, that all of the usual and ordinary articles required for the Communication of Grand Lodge are available, but no extraordinary expense of any kind shall be incurred without the previous sanction of the Board of General Purposes.

The Committee shall assist the Grand Secretary In providing for the reception and accommodation of visitors.

The Committee shall consist of a chairman appointed by the Grand Master.

The Grand Master shall appoint five (5) members to the Committee, in consultation with the appointed Chairman.

Districts and Lodges

(Founded as District 1 on October 12, 1905)

DDGM – RW Bro. John Himmelman

Bow River #1 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 1st Wednesday Regular Meeting | View Website
330 – 12 AVE SW, Calgary AB

Cascade #5 | Masonic Hall, Banff | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website
103 Caribou St, Banff AB

Perfection #9 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 3rd Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website
330 – 12 AVE SW, Calgary AB

Ashlar #28 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website
330 – 12 AVE SW, Calgary AB

King Solomon #41 | Masonic Hall, Cochrane | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website
120 Centre Ave, Cochrane AB

St. Marks #118 | St. Marks Masonic Hall, Calgary | 2nd Monday Regular Meeting | View Website
2612 – 14A St. SW, Calgary AB

Renfrew #134 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 2nd Monday Regular Meeting | View Website
330 – 12 AVE SW, Calgary AB

Foothills-Kelvingrove #174 | Bowmont Masonic Hall, 7704 – 39 Ave NW, Calgary AB  

(Founded as District 2 on October 12, 1906)

DDGM – RW Bro. Dale Dolphin

Medicine Hat #2 | Masonic Hall, Medicine Hat | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Mizpah #35 | Masonic Hall, Medicine Hat | 3rd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Bassano #55 | Masonic Hall, Bassano | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting

Brooks #73 | Masonic Hall, Brooks | 3rd Monday Regular Meeting

Oyen-Crocus #82 | Masonic Hall, Oyen | 1st Wednesday Regular Meeting

(Founded as District 3 on October 12, 1905)

DDGM – RW Bro. Roland Mansell

Edmonton #7 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Edson #68 | Masonic Hall, Edson | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting

Meridian #129 | Masonic Hall, Stony Plain | 2nd Wednesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Jasper Park #143 | Masonic Hall, Jasper | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting

Temple-Centennial #167 | Highlands Masonic Hall, Edmonton | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting

Highlands-Unity #168 | Highlands Masonic Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Hinton #178 | Lakeview Inn and Suites, Hinton | 1st Monday Regular Meeting

Drayton Valley #182 | Masonic Hall, Drayton Valley | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting

Baseline #198 | Pioneer Centre, Spruce Grove | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

(Founded as District 4 on May 27, 1908 and incorporated as part of District 9 as of May 11, 1911)

DDGM – RW Bro. Stephen Cooper

Innisfail #8 | Masonic Hall, Innisfail | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting

Eureka #10 | Masonic Hall, Lacombe | 4th Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Red Deer #12 | Masonic Hall, Red Deer | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Mountain View #16 | Masonic Hall, Olds | 1st Monday Regular Meeting | View Website

Britannia #18 | Masonic Hall, Ponoka | 1st Wednesday Regular Meeting

Apollo #27 | Masonic Hall, Stettler | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting

Kenilworth #29 | Masonic Hall, Red Deer | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Kitchener #95 | Royal Canadian Legion, Rimbey | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Lochearm #151 | Royal Canadian Legion, 4911 – 49th Street, Rocky Mountain House AB | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website

Beacon #190 | Masonic Hall, Red Deer | 4th Monday Regular Meeting | View Website

(Founded as Disrtict 4 on May 27, 1908 incorporating part of District 9 on May31, 1911 and part of District17, founded on June 12, 1929)

DDGM – RW Allen Lee Oberg

Camrose #37 | Masonic Hall, Camrose | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting
5021 – 48 St, Camrose AB

Buffalo Park #44 | Golf Club, Wainwright | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting
1502 – 2 St, Wainwright AB

Beaver #56 | Masonic Hall, Castor | 1st Wednesday Regular Meeting
5101 – 51 Ave, Castor AB

Provost #61 | Lower Level Medical Centre, Provost | 2nd Wednesday Regular Meeting
5111 – 52 Ave, Provost AB

Harmony #75 | Masonic Hall, Sedgewick | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting
4811 – 47 St, Sedgewick AB

Edgerton #102 | Masonic Hall, Edgerton | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting
51 St & 50 Ave, Edgerton AB

Forestburg-Alliance #128 | Masonic Hall, Forestburg | 4th Wednesday Regular Meeting
5018 – 50 Ave, Forestburg AB

Gratton-Connaught #144 | Masonic Hall, Irma | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting
West Side Main St, Irma AB

(Founded as District6 on May27, 1908)

DDGM – RW Bro. JD Moor

Nanton #17 | Masonic Hall, Nanton | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting

Cornerstone #19 | Masonic Hall, High River | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website

Corinthian #22 | Masonic Hall, Okotoks | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting

Calgary #23 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 1st Friday Regular Meeting

Mount Lebanon #54 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Zetland #83 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website

Glenbow #184 | St. Marks Masonic Hall, Calgary | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting

Lodge Pythagoras 345 #202 | Masonic Hall, Okotoks | 4th Thursday Sept, Nov, Jan, Mar, May Regular Meeting | View Website

(Founded as District 7 on May 31, 1911 and incorporating District 11, founded on May 27, 1914.  Three Rivers District dissolved June 2007, founded as District8 on May 31, 1911.)

DDGM – RW Bro.Mason Dodds

Alberta #3 | Masonic Hall, Fort Macleod | 3rd Wednesday Regular Meeting

North Star #4 | Masonic Hall, Lethbridge | 2nd Monday Regular Meeting | View Website

Chinook-Spitzie #6 | Masonic Hall, Cowley | 3rd Monday Regular Meeting

Sentinel Summit #26 | Masonic Hall, Frank | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting

Cairo #32 | Community Centre, Claresholm | 3rd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Lethbridge #39 | Masonic Hall, Lethbridge | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website

Charity #67 | Masonic Hall, Lethbridge | 3rd Monday Regular Meeting

Vulcan #74 | Masonic Hall, Vulcan | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting

(Founded as District 10 on May 29, 1912 and incorporating part of District 17, founded on June 12, 1929)

DDGM – RW Bro. Bill Gratton

Acacia #11 | Acacia Masonic Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website

Vermilion #24 | Masonic Hall, Vermillion | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting

St. John’s #25 | Elk’s Hall – 5002 – 55 Ave, Vegreville | 2nd Monday Regular Meeting

Norwood #90 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting< | View Website

Dynamic #96 | Masonic Hall, Holden | 1st Wednesday Regular Meeting

Kitscoty #131 | Masonic Hall, Kitscoty | 4th Tuesday Regular Meeting

St. George’s #169 | Community Centre, Elk Point | 3rd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Astra #179 | Masonic Hall, Cold Lake | 3rd Monday Regular Meeting

Ye Olde Craft #196 | Highlands Masonic Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Saturday Regular Meeting | View Website

(Founded as District 12 on May 30, 1917)

DDGM – RW Bro. Terry Lukian

Jasper #14 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting

Patricia #91 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Saskatchewan #92 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website

Mystic West #101 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 2st Wednesday Regular Meeting

Ivanhoe #142 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website

Whitecourt #153 | Forest Interpretive Centre, Whitecourt | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting

Yellowknife #162 | Masonic Hall, Yellowknife
Northwest Territories | 1st Monday Regular Meeting

Evergreen #166 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Monday Regular Meeting

(Founded as District 13 on May 27, 1918)

DDGM – RW Bro. Craig Ferguson

Peace River #89 | Masonic Hall, Peace River | 4th Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website

Grande Prairie #105 | Masonic Hall, Grand Prairie | 2nd Wednesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Lake Saskatoon #106 | Masonic Hall, Wembley | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website

Northland #147 | Legion Hall, Fairview | 3rd Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

(Founded as District 14 on June 1919 and incororating District 15, founded on June 8, 1021 and most of District 16, founded on June 12, 1929)

DDGM – RW Paul Caples

Gleichen #36 | King George Masonic Hall, Calgary | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting

Strathmore #53| Namaka Community Centre, Strathmore | 1st Monday Regular Meeting

Acme #60 | Community Centre, Acme | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting

Hanna #78 | Masonic Hall, Hanna | 1st Monday Regular Meeting

Symbol #93 | Masonic Hall, Drumheller | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting

Rockyford #123 | Bowmont Masonic Hall, Calgary | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Hussar #130 | Masonic Hall, Hussar | 4th Monday Regular Meeting

Irricana #137 | Masonic Hall, Irricana | 3rd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Drumheller #146 | Masonic Hall, Drumheller | 4th Thursday Regular Meeting

(Founded as District 18 on June 9, 1948)

DDGM – RW Bro. Douglas Baine

Carstairs #20 | Masonic Hall, Crossfield | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting

King Hiram #21| Masonic-Star Hall, Didsbury | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Crossfield #48 | Masonic Hall, Crossfield | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting

King George #59 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 2nd Friday Regular Meeting | View Website

Crescent #87 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Concord #124 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 1st Saturday Regular Meeting | View Website

Canada #165 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 2nd Wednesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Mosaic #176 | Bowmont Masonic Hall, Calgary | 2nd Wednesday Regular Meeting

Goose and Gridiron #203 | Calgary | TBA

Airdre Wildrose #2001 | Masonic Hall, Crossfield | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting

(Founded as District 19 on June 11, 1953)

DDGM – RW Bro. Robert Todd

Tawatinaw #71 | Train Station Historical Site, Athabasca | 2nd Wednesday Regular Meeting
4803 – 49 Ave, Athabasca AB

Strathcona #77 | Acacia Masonic Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Friday Regular Meeting | View Website
10433 – 83 Ave, Edmonton AB

Westlock #114 | Memorial Hall, Westlock | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting
9916 – 106 St, Westlock AB

Dominion #117 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Wednesday Regular Meeting | View Website
10318 – 100 Ave, Edmonton AB

Waskatenau #154 | Masonic Hall, Waskatenau | 1st Wednesday Regular Meeting
1st St West, Waskatenau AB

Exemplar #175 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website
10318 – 100 Ave, Edmonton AB

Balmoral #185 | Cornerstone Hall, St. Albert | 1st Wednesday Regular Meeting
6 Tache St., St. Albert AB

Griesbach #191 | Highlands Hall, Edmonton | 3rd Monday Regular Meeting | View Website
10433 – 83 Ave, Edmonton AB

Fort McMurray #195 | Senior’s Activity Centre, Fort McMurray | 1st Monday Regular Meeting | View Website
10111 Main Street, Fort McMurray AB

Millennium #2000 | Senior’s Activity Centre, Fort McMurray | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting | View Website
10111 Main Street, Fort McMurray AB

Aurora Borealis #201 | Senior’s Activity Centre, Fort McMurray | 2nd Monday Regular Meeting | View Website
10111 Main Street, Fort McMurray AB

(Founded as District 20 on June 10, 1959)

DDGM – RW Bro. Tim Harland

Victoria #13 | St. George’s Anglican Church, Fort Saskatchewan | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Wetaskiwin #15 | Masonic Hall, Wetaskiwin | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting

Star of the West #34 | Masonic Hall, Leduc | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Palestine #46 | Tofied United Church, Tofield | 3rd Tuesday Regular Meeting

Empire #63 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 1st Monday Regular Meeting | View Website

Commercial #81 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 3rd Saturday Regular Meeting | View Website

Avon Glen #170 | Acacia Masonic Hall, Edmonton | 1st Wednesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Sherwood #183 | Highlands Masonic Hall, Edmonton | 2nd Monday Regular Meeting

Eastgate #192 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting | View Website

Redwood #193 | Highlands Masonic Hall, Edmonton | 1st Wednesday Regular Meeting

Internet Lodge of Research | Bowmont Masonic Hall, Calgary | 3rd Saturday Sept, Nov and Feb at 9:00am and 1st Saturday in June at 9:00am | View Website

Table of Lodges

For convenience. a Table to Lodges has been prepared. This table can be accessed via the Resouce Centre menu item as well.

Click HERE to access the Table of Lodges.

Lodge Meeting Days

The following is a list of Lodges Regular Meeting Night of Mondays through Saturdays along with their corresponding locations, districts and rites. Please check with the Lodge Secretary for tyling time of lodge. Most Lodges have an Emergent Night either two weeks after or two weeks before their Regular Meeting, however, this is not consistent. 

Note: Most Lodges do not meet in either July or August but there are exceptions.


Mountain View #16 |
Masonic Hall, Olds |
Central District |
York Rite

Strathmore #53 |
Namaka Community Centre, Strathmore |
Dinosaur District |
Canadian Rite

Empire #63 |
Freemasons Hall, Edmonton |
Beaverhills District |
Canadian Rite

Hanna #78 |
Masonic Hall, Hanna | 
Dinosaur District |
Canadian Rite

Yellowknife #162 |
Masonic Hall, Yellowknife, NWT |
Northern Lights District | 
Canadian Rite

Hinton #178 | Lakeview Inn and Suites, Hinton | Yellowhead District | Canadian Rite

Fort McMurray #195 | Senior’s Activity Centre, Fort McMurray | Athabasca District | Canadian Rite

Corinthian #22 | Masonic Hall, Okotoks | Calgary-Highwood District | Canadian Rite

Vermilion #24 | Masonic Hall, Vermillion | Lakeland District | York Rite

Kenilworth #29 | Masonic Hall, Red Deer | Central District | Canadian Rite

Star of the West #34 | Masonic Hall, Leduc | Beaverhills District | Canadian Rite

Gleichen #36 | Masonic Hall, Strathmore | Dinosaur District | Canadian Rite

Vulcan #74 | Masonic Hall, Vulcan | Chinookarch District | York Rite

Norwood #90 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Lakeland District | Canadian Rite

Edgerton #102 & Provost #61 Joint Meetings | Masonic Hall, Edgerton | Battle River District | Monthly Varying Canadian & York Rite

Eastgate #192 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Beaverhills District | York Rite

Baseline #198 | Pioneer Centre, Spruce Grove | Yellowhead District | Canadian Rite

Airdrie Wildrose #2001 | Masonic Hall, Crossfield | Phoenix District | York Rite

Bow River #1 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | Alpha District | Canadian Rite

Britannia #18 | Masonic Hall, Ponoka | Central District | York Rite

Beaver #56 | Masonic Hall, Castor | Battle River District | York Rite

Oyen-Crocus #82 | Masonic Hall, Oyen | Palliser District | York Rite

Dynamic #96 | Masonic Hall, Holden | Lakeland District | Canadian Rite

Waskatenau #154 | Masonic Hall, Waskatenau | Athabasca District | Canadian Rite

Avon Glen #170 | Acacia Hall, Edmonton | Beaverhills District | Canadian Rite

Balmoral #185 | Cornerstone Hall, St. Albert | Athabasca District | Canadian Rite

Redwood #193 | Highlands Hall, Edmonton | Beaverhills District | Canadian Rite

Buffalo Park #44 | Golf Club, Wainwright | Battle River District | Canadian Rite

Edson #68 | Masonic Hall, Edson | Yellowhead District | Canadian Rite

Excelsior #80 | Masonic Hall, Daysland | Battle River District | York Rite

Zetland #83 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | Calgary-Highwood District | Canadian Rite

Lake Saskatoon #106 | Masonic Hall, Wembley | Mighty Peace District | Canadian Rite

Westlock #114 | Memorial Hall, Westlock | Athabasca District | York Rite

Ivanhoe #142 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Northern Lights District | Canadian Rite

Whitecourt #153 | Forest Interpretive Centre, Whitecourt | Northern Lights District | Canadian Rite

Temple-Centennial #167 | Highlands Masonic Hall, Edmonton | Yellowhead District | York Rite

Foothills-Kelvingrove #174 | Bowmont Masonic Hall, Calgary | Alpha District | York Rite

Exemplar #175 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Athabasca District | Canadian Rite

Glenbow #184 | St, Marks Masonic Hall, Calgary | Calgary-Highwood District | Canadian Rite

Calgary #23 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | Calgary-Highwood District | York Rite

Calgary #23 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | Calgary-Highwood District | York Rite


North Star #4 | Masonic Hall, Lethbridge | Chinookarch District | York Rite

St. John’s #25 | Elk’s Hall – 5002 – 55 Ave, Vegreville | Lakeland District | York Rite

St. Marks #118 | St. Marks Masonic Hall, Calgary | Alpha District | Canadian Rite

Renfrew #134 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | Alpha District | Canadian Rite

Evergreen #166 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Northern Lights District | Canadian Rite

Sherwood #183 | Highlands Masonic Hall, Edmonton | Beaverhills District | Canadian Rite

Aurora Borealis #201 | Senior’s Activity Centre, Fort McMurray | Athabasca District | York Rite

Medicine Hat #2 | Masonic Hall, Medicine Hat | Palliser District | York Rite

Edmonton #7 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Yellowhead District | York Rite

Red Deer #12 | Masonic Hall, Red Deer | Central District | York Rite

Victoria #13 | St. George’s Anglican Church, Fort Saskatchewan | Beaverhills District | Canadian Rite

King Hiram #21 | Masonic-Star Hall, Didsbury | Phoenix District | Canadian Rite

Crossfield #48 | Masonic Hall, Crossfield | Phoenix District | York Rite

Mount Lebanon #54 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | Calgary-Highwood District | York Rite

Harmony #75 | Masonic Hall, Sedgewick | Battle River District | York Rite

Crescent #87 | King George Masonic Hall, Calgary | Phoenix District | Canadian Rite

Patricia #91 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Northern Lights District | Canadian Rite

Kitchener #95 | Royal Canadian Legion, Rimbey | Central District | York Rite

Rockyford #123 | Bowmont Masonic Hall, Calgary | Dinosaur District | Canadian Rite

Highlands-Unity #168 | Highlands Masonic Hall, Edmonton | Yellowhead District | Canadian Rite

Tawatinaw #71 | Train Station Historical Site, Athabasca | Athabasca District | York Rite

Mystic West #101 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Northern Lights District | Canadian Rite

Grande Prairie #105 | Masonic Hall, Grand Prairie | Mighty Peace District | Canadian Rite

Dominion #117 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Athabasca District | Canadian Rite

Meridian #129 | Masonic Hall, Stony Plain | Yellowhead District | Canadian Rite

Canada #165 | King George Masonic Hall, Calgary | Phoenix District | Canadian Rite

Mosaic #176 | Bowmont Masonic Hall, Calgary | Phoenix District | York Rite

Cascade #5 | Masonic Hall, Banff | Alpha District | York Rite

Acacia #11 | Acacia Masonic Hall, Edmonton | Lakeland District | Canadian Rite

Jasper #14 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Northern Lights District | Canadian Rite

Nanton #17 | Masonic Hall, Nanton | Calgary-Highwood District | York Rite

Carstairs #20 (meets in July & Aug but not in Jan & Feb) | Masonic Hall, Crossfield | Phoenix District | Canadian Rite

Sentinel Summit #26 | Masonic Hall, Frank | Chinookarch District | York Rite

Ashlar #28 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | Alpha District | Canadian Rite

Camrose #37 | Masonic Hall, Camrose | Battle River District | York Rite

Bassano #55 | Masonic Hall, Bassano | Palliser District | York Rite

Saskatchewan #92 | Freemasons Hall, Edmonton | Northern Lights District | Canadian Rite

Symbol #93 | Masonic Hall, Drumheller | Dinosaur District | York Rite

Lochearn #151 | Royal Canadian Legion, Rocky Mountain House | Central District | York Rite

Drayton Valley #182 | Masonic Hall, Drayton Valley | Yellowhead District | Canadian Rite

Millennium #2000 | Senior’s Activity Centre, Fort McMurray | Athabasca District | Canadian Rite

King George #59 | King George Masonic Hall, Calgary | Phoenix District | Canadian Rite

Strathcona #77 | Acacia Masonic Hall, Edmonton | Athabasca District | York Rite

Ye Olde Craft #196 | Highlands Masonic Hall, Edmonton | Lakeland District | Canadian Rite


Chinook-Spitzie #6 | Masonic Hall, Cowley | Chinookarch District | Canadian Rite

Charity #67 | Masonic Hall, Lethbridge | Chinookarch District | Canadian Rite

Brooks #73 | Masonic Hall, Brooks | Palliser District | York Rite

Astra #179 | Masonic Hall, Cold Lake | Lakeland District | York Rite

Griesbach #191 | Highlands Hall, Edmonton | Athabasca District | Canadian Rite

Perfection #9 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | Alpha District | York Rite

Cairo #32 | Community Centre, Claresholm | Chinookarch District | Canadian Rite

Mizpah #35 | Masonic Hall, Medicine Hat | Palliser District | Canadian Rite

Palestine #46 | Tofield United Church, Tofield | Beaverhills District | Canadian Rite

Irricana #137 | Masonic Hall, Irricana | Dinosaur District | Canadian Rite

Northland #147 | Legion Hall, Fairview | Mighty Peace District | Canadian Rite

St. George’s #169 | Community Centre, Elk Point | Lakeland District | York Rite

Alberta #3 | Masonic Hall, Fort Macleod | Chinookarch District | Canadian Rite

Innisfail #8 | Masonic Hall, Innisfail | Central District | York Rite

Wetaskiwin #15 | Masonic Hall, Wetaskiwin | Beaverhills District | York Rite

Cornerstone #19 | Masonic Hall, High River | Calgary-Highwood District | York Rite

Apollo #27 | Masonic Hall, Stettler | Central District | York Rite

Lethbridge #39 | Masonic Hall, Lethbridge | Chinookarch District | Canadian Rite

King Solomon #41 | Masonic Hall, Cochrane | Alpha District | York Rite

Acme #60 | Community Centre, Acme | Dinosaur District | Canadian Rite

Jasper Park #143 | Masonic Hall, Jasper | Yellowhead District | Canadian Rite

Gratton-Connaught #144 | Masonic Hall, Irma | Battle River District | Canadian Rite

No Meeting scheduled

No Meeting scheduled


Hussar #130 | Masonic Hall, Hussar | Dinosaur District | York Rite

Beacon #190 | Masonic Hall, Red Deer | Central District | Canadian Rite

Eureka #10 | Masonic Hall, Lacombe | Central District | York Rite

Kitscoty #131 | Masonic Hall, Kitscoty | Lakeland District | Canadian Rite

Forestburg-Alliance #128 | Masonic Hall, Forestburg | Battle River District | York Rite

Eureka #10 | Masonic Hall, Lacombe | Central District | York Rite

Kitscoty #131 | Masonic Hall, Kitscoty | Lakeland District | Canadian Rite

No meeting scheduled

No meeting scheduled

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